Category: Product Engineering
Product Engineering

UX Design-A Technology To Refine Product Design And Development
Organizations are rapidly shifting their focus from a product-centric approach to a customer-centric approach due to the growing competitive business environment. Delivering poor customer experience is no longer an option for industries that make it necessary for them to identify their needs and develop products and services accordingly. The preferences of customers are identified by […]
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Design Thinking-A Tool For Modern Marketing
Today, marketing department is overflowing with large datasets to analyze customer preferences and frame their marketing strategies accordingly. This department is exploring diverse technologies to drive significant business value by gaining insights from customer data. Brands work hard to meet their customers’ soaring expectations by utilizing various technologies and identifying their needs and future […]
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How Is Virtual Reality Making A Difference In Product Design?
The product design and development industry has gone through drastic changes over the past few years with constant evolution and advancement of technologies. The growing complexities and changing demands of customers makes it necessary for information technology experts to design high-quality products and deliver it to the market in a short span of time in […]
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Benefits Of Integrating Artificial Intelligence In DevOps
Industries are rapidly becoming customer-oriented and thriving to cope with the changing demands of the customers. Organizations require to develop products and deliver them to the market in a short span of time that makes it necessary for them to explore diverse technologies in order to enhance productivity and accuracy in operations. DevOps is one […]
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Cloud-Based Digital Transformation-A Technology To Benefit Diverse Industries
The constant evolution of technologies such as artificial intelligence, data integration, machine learning, etc. has transformed the traditional business practices and helped the business to stay ahead in the competition. The growing complexities and changing dynamics of the business environment make it necessary for organizations to embrace advanced technologies and carry out their operations in […]
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How is Robotic Process Automation(RPA) Benefiting Healthcare Sector?
The health industry is rapidly shifting towards the use of technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, etc. to simplify various medical processes in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Robotic process automation (RPA) is one such technology that is highly implemented in the healthcare sector for the huge amount of benefits that it […]
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Artificial Intelligence And Cloud Computing-The Fusion Revamping Diverse Industries
Today, industries carry out their operations by gathering and analyzing massive amounts of data to enhance their productivity by bringing efficiency in the activities. The growing complexities and the highly competitive business environment make it necessary for organizations to integrate operations that lead to the road of success by maximizing output from minimum resources. Technologies […]
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Design Thinking-A Tool To Revamp Healthcare Industry
The healthcare sector is going through drastic changes and is continuously evolving with the use of innovative technologies. This sector works in diverse directions with enormous departments and is realizing the importance of enhancing patient care and delivering personalized experience by infusing technologies and making various processes efficient. Design thinking plays an important role in […]
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Revolutionizing Real Estate Sector With IoT
Disruptive innovations in technologies are majorly contributing to making smart real estate space. This industry is finding new ways to provide smart solutions in order to control various systems at homes and offices. It is rapidly embracing technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) to radically change the way things are done in this […]
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How Is Design Thinking Contributing In Upgrading Business Operations?
Organizations are adopting new technologies to eliminate the bottlenecks of traditional technologies and moving further towards profitable growth. Design Thinking is one such technology that is a cognitive and strategic process that utilizes diverse elements that are used to challenge assumptions and redefine various problems in order to create innovative solutions. This technology helps organizations […]
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Benefits Of Using DevOps With Cloud Computing
The development of the cloud is going through massive changes with the integration of DevOps, which, in turn, is making it possible for the IT industry to conduct real-time analysis of the development process and make the process smoother. DevOps refers to a set of various software development practices that are carried out by combining […]
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Cloud-Based Project Management-A Boon For Industries
The software industry is exploring different ways of using new and innovative technologies for developing their IT application to deliver better business results. The industries are exploring technologies like cloud-based project management to evaluate the process of carrying out a particular activity. Project management refers to a process of planning, organizing, and managing resource tools […]
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