Tech Rainmakers
Engage with business strategists, entrepreneurs, and leaders to discover the latest trends and technologies transforming our world.
Techrainmakers is a series where thought leaders share their successful journeys in their industry. How they solve certain business challenges, what drives their technology decisions, and their actionable insights on how one can harness the power of technology to drive results.
Digital Transformation in Real estate - how Real Estate industry has evolved in last 20 years.
In this episode, we are in conversation with Angie Bird to understand how Real Estate industry has evolved in last 20 years.
Why the Customer Experience and Customer Expectations are top.
Listen to Brandon Jones ( CEO at Triad) to understand the Customer Experience and Customer Expectations are top concerns for any business leader.
Understand the Importance of customer focus in using technology.
In this episode, listen to Ryan Esparza ( CTO at Esprigas) to understand the Importance of customer focus in using technology.
Why security and privacy is important of the business process.
Listen to Todd Keener ( CPO at Payreel) to understand the security and privacy of the business process.
Why CX is an ongoing endeavor of the whole organization and not just a project of one function.
Listen to Nate Brown, Senior Director at Arise to understand why CX is an ongoing endeavor of the whole organization and not just a project of one function.
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