Integration Of Container Technology With Automation

Integration Of Container Technology With Automation

About Client

The client is a leading venture in the health and wellness domain that provides technological solutions to further its own clients.

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Business Challenges

After Venture7 took over the test automation, we found that clients wanted to execute the automation on multiple browsers for multiple clients and multiple scenarios at the same time. A client shared a bitter past experience due to multiple browser versioning and updates. Further client wants a cost-effective solution.

There are multiple ways to scale it up on the cloud by buying some heavy machines over there. But we want to keep it at our premises and cost-friendly as much as possible.

Venture7 Solutions/ Engagement Model

After having rounds of discussion over the requirement, we came up with the solution as:

  • Integrated the Container technology, Docker, with the test automation process.
  • Docker creates virtualization from a local machine with no extra cost.
  • Isolated multiple copies of different browsers can be executed.
  • Integrated the existing selenium automation scripts and found it smooth with each and every aspect.

Key Benefits/ Value Delivered

  • Automation is successfully executing on 5 different browsers.
  • Regression time on a single browser is reduced by 70% due to parallel execution.
  • Browsers and their version compatibility issues were identified in an early stage.
  • Post-production defects are reduced and overall product quality is improved.

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